Aircon Vs Dehumidifier—Which Is Better For You In Singapore?

In hot and humid climates like Singapore, maintaining indoor comfort is essential for a healthy living environment. Aircons and dehumidifiers are two common appliances used to regulate indoor temperature and humidity levels. Although they both serve similar purposes, they differ in their functions, mechanisms, and benefits. Read on to learn more about their respective roles. 

cool air from aircon


Aircons are appliances designed to cool indoor spaces by removing heat and humidity from the air. They operate by circulating refrigerant through a series of coils, which absorb heat from the indoor air and release it outside. Providing us with a cooler indoor environment. Aircons also dehumidify the air as part of the cooling process, reducing humidity levels to enhance comfort and prevent moisture-related issues. 

Key Features and Benefits of Aircon

Four primary key features and benefits of aircons include cooling, dehumidification, temperature control, and air filtration. 

We all know the key function of aircons is to cool indoor spaces, making them perfect for combating Singapore’s heat. Aircons also provide instant relief from the heat by lowering the temperatures of your body and living space to a comfortable level. 

Aircons also add to cooling by dehumidifying the air by removing excess moisture, and reducing humidity levels to prevent mould, mildew, and condensation buildup. 

The all-rounder aircon also offers precise temperature control. This allows users to set their desired temperature for proper comfort. They are equipped with thermostats and adjustable settings to maintain consistent cooling throughout the day. 

Lastly, many modern air conditioners are equipped with air filters that help remove dust, allergens, and pollutants from the air. This, in turn, improves indoor air quality and creates a healthier living environment. 

Dehumidifier in a living room


Dehumidifiers are appliances designed specifically to reduce humidity levels in indoor spaces by extracting excess moisture from the air. Unlike air conditioners, dehumidifiers do not cool the air but focus solely on – you guessed it – dehumidification. They operate by drawing humid air into the unit, where it passes over cooling coils that condense moisture, which is then collected and drained or emptied from the appliance.

Key Features and Benefits of Dehumidifier

Four primary key features and benefits of dehumidifier include humidity control, mould and mildew prevention, allergy and asthma relief, and energy saving. 

First up, is humidity control. Dehumidifiers are mainly known to control humidity levels in indoor spaces, making them ideal for areas prone to high humidity, like toilets and the service yard. Using a dehumidifier will help with the prevention of mould, mildew, and musty odours.

Moving on to mould and mildew, dehumidifiers are perfect to create a less hospitable environment for them. All you have to do is regularly use it to balance out the humidity level, and protect your home and belongings from moisture-related damage. 

It is recommended by experts to use a dehumidifier to combat allergies and asthma. How it works is that dehumidifiers reduce humidity and airborne allergens, providing relief to those who suffer from either. Lower humidity levels also make it difficult for the growth of mould, dust mites, and other allergens that can trigger any sort of respiratory symptoms. 

Last but not least, dehumidifiers are more cost-efficient than aircons. They consume less electricity to operate, and are incredibly effective for controlling humidity (without the need for cooling). 

Final Thoughts 

Understanding the difference between aircons and dehumidifiers is essential for choosing the right appliance to meet your indoor comfort needs. While both of them help regulate indoor comfort and improve air quality, they differ in their primary functions and mechanisms. 

Aircons cool the air and dehumidify it in the process while dehumidifiers focus solely on reducing humidity levels without cooling the air. Ultimately, it all boils down to your specific needs and environmental conditions, so it’s always best to lay out the pros and cons of a product before getting one of the two. 

The best choice is to have a combination of both to achieve extreme comfort indoors while controlling the humidity levels for a healthy home for you and your loved ones.