Can Aircon Trigger Asthma, Scary Respiratory Problems And More?

“I cannot sleep with the aircon switched on because I have asthma,” has anyone told you this before? Well, we’ve encountered someone saying this in passing before, but is it true?

As we all know, aircon has become a necessity in modern living spaces, providing us with the comfort and relief we crave from the sweltering heat, especially on our tropical island. However, beyond the cool air and convenience, many have raised concerns about the potential impact of aircon on respiratory health, specifically for those with asthma. Which beckons the question, can aircon trigger asthma? 

Before we dive in, let’s understand what asthma is. An excerpt from an article produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that “asthma is a chronic lung disease affecting people of all ages. It is caused by inflammation and muscle tightening around the airways, which makes it harder to breathe. Symptoms can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. These symptoms can be mild or severe and can come and go over time.” And while asthma can be a serious condition, it can be managed with the right treatment.

Further studies have also mentioned that while asthma triggers can vary from person to person, common factors include allergens, irritants, respiratory infections, and environmental conditions. 

What Do We Really Know About The Role Of Aircon? 

Aircon systems circulate and filter air, removing humidity and pollutants to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. However, certain aspects of aircon can potentially trigger asthma symptoms. For example, poor indoor air quality with inadequate ventilation or absence of aircon servicing can contribute to asthma triggers. Dust, mold, pet dander, and other allergens may also accumulate and attach themselves within the aircon ducts, leading to respiratory irritation when dispersed into the air. 

That’s not all, dry air can also act as a trigger for asthma. Aircon systems dehumidify the air to control humidity levels which can result in excessively dry indoor air. This in return can irritate the respiratory tract, especially for those with sensitive airways, and trigger asthma symptoms like coughing and chest tightness. 

Rapid temperature changes also play a part. Have you noticed that several shopping malls in Singapore are extremely cold? That poses a problem when you’re transitioning from a hot outdoor environment to a cold aircon space, and can potentially provoke your airway constriction and trigger major asthma attacks. 

Lastly, neglected aircon systems are the major culprit for anyone who suffers from asthma. Dirty filters and air ducts can hold dust, mould, and bacteria, which are then circulated throughout an indoor environment. Breathing in these contaminants can aggravate asthma symptoms and compromise respiratory health. 

How To Lessen The Risk?

While aircon may pose potential risks for you if you have asthma, there are several measures to take when minimising these risks and ensuring your respiratory health is up to track. 

It is advised by healthcare and industry experts to schedule regular aircon servicing by reputable professionals to maintain ideal indoor air quality and system efficiency. Professional servicing also includes cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting ductwork, and addressing any kind of issues that may jeopardise the aircon’s performance.

Pairing air purifiers with HEPA filters along with your aircon can further improve indoor air quality by capturing airborne allergens and pollutants. 

Using aircons with built-in humidity control features can also help to balance the indoor humidity levels, and prevent the exertion of excessively dry air. This in turn will not irritate the respiratory tract any further. . 

Final Thoughts

Of course, we are no doctors. So, regular consultation with your healthcare professionals will ensure a healthier version of you for they can guide you to manage your condition while taking into consideration the indoor environmental factors, especially with the usage of aircon. 

While aircon plays a significant role in maintaining indoor comfort, its impact on respiratory health, particularly for those with asthma, warrants careful consideration. Hence, prioritising regular aircon servicing is crucial for better indoor air quality.

Dengue Cases Rise In Singapore: Can Aircon Keep Mosquitoes Away?

As Singapore grapples with the rising challenge of dengue cases and El Niño, the need for effective mosquito control measures has become more important than ever. With dengue cases on the rise, many Singaporeans are exploring various methods to protect themselves and their families from the relentless onslaught of these disease-carrying mozzies. One common question that arises is whether aircons, a universal outlet in every Singaporean home, can serve as a shield against mosquitoes. Especially the ones that are carrying dengue. Let’s look into this common question to understand the role of aircon in mosquito prevention amid the escalating dengue situation.

Dengue Outbreaks in Warmer Months

Before getting to the crux of whether or not aircon is effective in repelling mosquitoes, it’s important to note the severity of the dengue situation in Singapore. Dengue fever is carried by the species of Aedes mosquito. In recent times, Singapore has experienced an influx of dengue cases, with outbreaks occurring predominantly during the warmer months when mosquito breeding usually occurs. Enter El Niño, and we’re definitely not in for a treat. 

Combat The Heat And Dengue

Aircon also plays a dual role in combating mosquitoes and the heat. Firstly, aircon helps to regulate indoor temperature and humidity levels – creating an environment that’s less favourable to mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes also thrive in warm and humid conditions, making aircon spaces less comfortable. Thus, by maintaining a cooler and drier indoor environment, you are not only making it an ideal igloo for yourself but it can potentially deter mosquitoes from entering and living in your home. 

Aircon also offers a physical barrier against mosquitoes. When properly sealed, windows and doors in aircon rooms are less likely to serve as entry points for mosquitoes as compared to non-aircon spaces. This, ultimately, reduces the likelihood of mosquitoes setting camp in indoor areas and going on a biting spree. Hence, lowering the risk of a dengue spread.

It is important to note that while aircon can contribute to mosquito control to a certain extent, it is not a foolproof solution on its own. Effective mosquito management will require a thorough approach that entails various preventative measures. 

Further Protection

Here are a few more additional things to do to complement the use of aircon, 

One should implement installing mesh screens on windows and doors to further protect your home against mosquito intrusion while allowing for natural ventilation, and ensure that aircons are well-maintained, including regular cleaning and servicing to prevent water accumulation or leaks that could lead to potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Additionally, do remember to use mosquito repellent sprays, lotions, or plug-in devices to provide extra protection. 

Final Thoughts

The many uses of aircon can beat the heat on top of contributing to mosquito control by creating a less ideal environment for breeding and limiting indoor mosquito access. It should also be noted that this can be viewed as part of a holistic approach to dengue prevention. However, while aircon cannot directly kill mosquitoes, combining the use of aircon with the complementary mosquito control measure can minimise the risk of the spread of dengue and make your home less hospitable for the pesky insects to set up camp.

As dengue cases continue to rise, it is important for all to remain vigilant and proactive to fight against mosquitoes. Remember to keep your home cool and dry! 

Is Aircon Pressure Test Worth The Time & Money?

aircon technician-conducting pressure test

Is your aircon running out of refrigerant gas too soon? If so, there is a high possibility of gas leakage from the air conditioning system.

A well functioning AC is highly essential in Singapore’s hot and humid climate as it provides a comfortable living for people. Gas leakage from your aircon system is the most dreaded problem that you may encounter, which is quite expensive to deal with. Usually there are 2 routes that you can take when dealing with aircon gas leak:

  • Pressure test to identify the leakage sites.
  • Replace the air conditioning system with a completely new system.

Pressure test is advised if the air conditioning system is less than 5 years old, as most parts of the aircon might still be in good functioning state. If the system is older, you may consider a full replacement. In this article we will deep dive into the details of Pressure Test.

Aircon Pressure Test Prices in Singapore

The cost of pressure tests for air conditioning systems can vary due to a range of factors that are as diverse as the systems themselves. The size and type of your air conditioner play a significant role larger or more specialized units often require more extensive testing procedures. Additionally, the complexity of your air conditioning setup is a factor because intricate systems may necessitate more time and expertise for evaluation. The frequency of servicing also influences costs as regularly maintained equipment tends to be in better condition. Moreover, the overall cost of a package can fluctuate if it includes extra services such as thorough inspections or replacement of components.

For easy comprehension, here’s a simplified version of the price chart:

Pressure Test Price

Number of UnitPrice

Gas Leakage Repair

Number of UnitPrice

How To Perform Aircon Pressure Test For Gas Leakage

1. Assemble The Required Tools

Gather the tools like refrigerant, pressure gauge and safety gear such as gloves and goggles, to get ready.

2. Shut off The Cooling System

To reduce accidents, always begin by shutting off the air conditioning system, as they create a super safe environment for well-being.

3. Locate Service Ports

Find the low-pressure and high-pressure service ports on the AC system.

4. Connect Gauge

Attach the pressure gauge to the low-pressure service port. Make sure it’s securely connected.

5. Check Pressure

Turn on the AC and observe the pressure reading on the gauge. It should fall within the manufacturer’s recommended range.

6. Watch Out for Leaks

Any abrupt reductions in the pressure gauge should be taken note of, as they may point to a leak in the system.

7. Add Freon As Needed

In case of low pressure, add refrigerant according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

8. Record Results

Note down the pressure readings and any actions taken during the test for future reference.

8. Final Checks

Once the test is complete, double-check all connections and ensure everything is back in place.

10. Turn on AC

Turn the Aircon back on and verify that it’s working correctly after the pressure test.

family enjoying cool air from aircon

Benefits of Aircon Pressure Tests

1. Identify Leakage Sites

It helps to identify multiple leakages site on the aircon system which may be causing the gas leakage.

2. Extended Life of Air Conditioning Units

Your cooling system will last longer if possible problems are found and fixed early on. This will also stop needless wear and strain.

3. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Running your air conditioner at full capacity encourages the flow of clean, filtered air, which is particularly helpful for those with respiratory or allergy issues.

4. Major Failure Avoidance

By spotting little problems before they develop into larger breakdowns, you can prevent expensive repairs and ensure ongoing comfort throughout the hot months.

Tips To Prevent Gas Leakage

  1. To prevent blockages and pressure on the system, clean or replace the air filters every one to three months.
  2. Regularly check for refrigerant leaks to preserve energy savings and cooling efficiency.
  3. For cooling purposes, set your thermostat to 78°F. For energy economy, utilize programmed settings.
  4. Maintain a clear space surrounding your air conditioner, and prune any trees or other obstructions to improve ventilation.
  5. Plan yearly maintenance with HVAC experts to extend the life of your air conditioner and identify issues early.
  6. Reduce the possibility of water damage and system faults by maintaining debris- and blockage-free condensate lines. This will ensure efficient drainage.
It is imperative to reevaluate the requirement for an air conditioning pressure test. Although it could appear like a standard process, in practice, it frequently doesn’t offer any meaningful insights into how the system works. Rather than requiring the additional expense and complexity of a pressure test, routine maintenance and visual inspections may usually resolve the majority of air conditioning problems. Your air conditioner will operate more efficiently and last longer if you priorities preventive maintenance and take quick action to fix visible problems.

What To Look For In Aircon Companies in Singapore

StringsSG aircon technician

The hot and humid climate of Singapore contributes to a very high usage of air conditioning in both residential and commercial premises. With high usage air conditioning comes problems associated with the aircon units, which has resulted in the registration of numerous aircon servicing companies under ACRA Singapore (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority). In Singapore, there are more than 250 aircon cleaning companies who provide various kinds of air conditioner servicing based on your requirements.

Making the right decision about which air conditioning business to use for your needs can be somewhat challenging. This article will dive into what you should be looking for in a company before you choose them for your aircon service.

air conditioner technician cleaning air conditioner inside house

1. Reputation and Experience

Seek out air conditioning businesses with a strong track record and a wealth of industry expertise. Customers are more likely to be satisfied when a firm has a track record of success, and their history in the industry speaks volumes about their dependability. To determine the company’s reputation and degree of client satisfaction, look through testimonials and online reviews and get in touch with references.

2. Certifications and Licensing

Verify that the air conditioning company is licensed and certified to operate in Singapore. Licensed experts are more likely to abide by rules and guidelines in the field, giving you peace of mind about the caliber of their job. A dedication to excellence is also demonstrated by certifications from respectable trade associations.

3. Range of Services

Think about the variety of services the air conditioning firm provides. Do they offer services for installation, upkeep, and repair? A wide range of services guarantees that you can depend on the same business for all of your air conditioning requirements, which promotes a long-term relationship.

4. Technical Expertise

Examine the technicians’ level of technical proficiency. Are they skilled and informed about different brands and types of air conditioning systems? A skilled group can precisely identify problems, suggest workable fixes, and guarantee that installations are completed precisely.

5. Energy Efficiency Focus

Energy efficiency is vital in Singapore, where environmental consciousness is high on the agenda. Seek out air conditioning firms that give energy-saving solutions first priority. This can result in long-term energy bill savings in addition to lowering your carbon footprint.

6. Customer Service and Response Time

Analyze the company’s customer service provision. Fast reaction times and clear communication are crucial, particularly in case of emergencies or urgent repairs. A business that prioritizes customer satisfaction is more likely to pay close attention to your demands and immediately resolve any issues.

7. Transparent Pricing

Make sure pricing is transparent and request comprehensive quotes. Unpleasant surprises might result from unclear cost structures and hidden surcharges. Reputable air conditioning companies will provide you detailed, itemized quotes so you can see exactly what each service will cost you.

8. Warranty and Maintenance Contracts

Check the warranty offerings on installations and equipment. Additionally, inquire about maintenance contracts, as regular servicing is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your air conditioning system. Companies that offer comprehensive maintenance plans demonstrate a commitment to the ongoing performance of your system

StringsSG partners with some of the best aircon servicing companies in Singapore to provide you with high quality aircon servicing. Once you open a request on our web or mobile platform, the platform will assign a reliable aircon service contractor who can meet your requirements and budget.

4 Reasons For Condensation On Aircon Trunking & How To Fix

Condensation on Aircon trunking

Have you started to notice black patches or mold on the aircon trunking? These are early signs of condensation on the trunking which can eventually lead to water dripping, if not fixed.

AC trunking refers to the network of ducts, pipes, and channels that distribute cooled or heated air throughout a building. In this article, we bring to you the reasons behind condensation on AC trunking and explore potential solutions to this fix the problem.

Moist aircon trunking
Moist aircon trunking

1. Poor Insulation

Insufficient or damaged insulation on AC trunking can lead to temperature imbalances, fostering condensation. Insulation acts as a barrier, preventing the transfer of heat between duct surfaces and surrounding air.

Solution: Regularly inspect AC trunking insulation, repairing or replacing damaged sections as needed. Upgrading to higher-grade insulation enhances the effectiveness of the barrier, minimizing condensation risks.

2. Air Leaks

Air leaks in the ductwork contribute to condensation by allowing warm, humid air to enter and contact cooler surfaces. Leaks can also compromise insulation efficiency.

Solution: Promptly seal any air leaks in AC ducts. Regular inspections and maintenance help identify and address leaks, preserving the system’s integrity and preventing condensation issues.

3. Improper Installation Of Trunk

If the aircon trunks are not installed correctly, water from your air conditioner might drip into the trunk, causing it to get wet and form condensation. There should not be any loose connection between the aircon unit and the trunk from water can slip through.

Solution: In most cases the solution is to re-install the trunks and ensure that the trunks correctly fit and align with the aircon units.

4. Trap Floor Blockage

A floor trap blockage can contribute to condensation on AC trunking through a combination of factors related to restricted drainage and increased humidity.

A floor trap is designed to allow the drainage of water. When the floor trap is blocked, water drainage becomes impeded. If your air conditioning unit produces condensate (water formed during the cooling process), a blocked floor trap can prevent the proper drainage of this water and hence cause water leakage.

Solution: Engage a professional aircon technician to clear the blockage in the floor trap, ensuring proper drainage.

Final Thoughts

AC trunking, comprising the network of ducts and channels, plays a vital role in the functioning of air conditioning systems. Understanding and addressing condensation issues through regular inspection, maintenance, and the use of quality insulation materials are crucial steps in ensuring the efficiency and longevity of AC systems. By implementing the suggested solutions, users can maintain a comfortable and well-regulated indoor environment, free from condensation-related challenges.

Foam Vs Rubber Insulation? Which Is Good For Aircon Pipe

Foam insulation for aircon pipes

Various types of aircon pipe insulation are available for residential and industrial use, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages depending on the application. To simplify the selection process and ensure optimal system performance in the long run, it is crucial to consider the requirements of the premises where the insulation is being installed.

This article specifically focuses on closed-cell pipe insulation, comparing flexible rubber with foam pipe insulation and exploring which option is better suited for different applications. Both rubber and foam pipe insulations have closed-cell structures that effectively manage condensation and thermal exchange on cold piping systems.

Rubber insulation for ac pipe insulation
Rubber insulation for ac pipe insulation

Rubber Insulation

Flexible elastomeric closed-cell foam pipe insulation, commonly known as rubber, is composed of synthetic rubber. The two primary formulations available are nitrile butadiene rubber with PVC (NBR/PVC) and EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer). The industry standard is ASTM C 534. A comparison between NBR/PVC and EPDM is provided in a later section.

Foam Insulation

Alternative to rubber insulation is foam insulation also known as polyethylene, polyolefin, poly, or PE. Foam plastic pipe insulation is commonly used in residential and light commercial piping systems, following the industry standard ASTM C 1427.

Rubber Vs Foam Insulation

Choosing between foam rubber and foam plastic depends on factors such as thermal efficiency, continuous service temperature, fire safety, density, and cost. Foam rubber typically offers a lower thermal conductivity (favorable K-value) than foam plastic. The upper continuous service temperature varies, with foam plastic at 200°F, NBR/PVC foam rubber at 220℉, and EPDM foam rubber at 257℉.

Fire safety is a critical consideration, with foam rubber generally passing ASTM E 84 or UL 723 tests, while foam plastic may exhibit less predictable behavior, especially at greater thicknesses.

Considering factors like density, cost, and performance characteristics, foam plastic is often less expensive than rubber.

When comparing rubber to foam plastic pipe insulation, rubber is generally preferred for commercial and industrial applications due to its lower thermal conductivity, higher continuous operating temperature, and more predictable fire behavior. Rubber is likely to meet the building owner’s project requirements more comprehensively.