Aircon vs Air Cooler — Which One Is The Cooler Choice

air conditioner installed in the living room

As temperatures rise, finding effective ways to beat the heat becomes a top priority, especially in hot and humid climates like Singapore. Two popular cooling solutions are aircons and air coolers, each offering unique features and benefits. If you’re unsure which option is right for you, let’s compare the pros and cons of aircons and air coolers to help you make an informed decision.


Aircons are a known commodity in most of our households. They are widely used for cooling indoor spaces by removing heat and humidity from the air. And, as Singaporeans, we’re definitely dependent on it. 

Here are the pros and cons:

Effective CoolingHigh Energy Consumption
Humidity ControlInstallation and Maintenance Costs
Precise Temperature ControlEnvironmental Impact
Filtered AirAir Circulation Issues

Aircons are essential appliances designed to combat the sweltering heat and humidity in sunny Singapore. These units are constantly working to regulate indoor temperatures by efficiently removing heat and moisture from the air.

But, beyond just cooling, aircons also offers precise temperature control. Ensuring that your living or working space remains consistently comfortable, no matter the external weather conditions. Additionally, they often feature advanced air filtration systems, effectively capturing dust, allergens, and pollutants. 

On the other hand, aircons also comes with a list of considerations. They tend to be energy-intensive, potentially leading to higher electricity bills, and require professional installation and regular maintenance to upkeep the system.

air cooler in a modern living room

Air Cooler

Air coolers, also known as evaporative coolers or swamp coolers, use the natural process of evaporation to cool the air. Although lesser known than aircons, many prefer it. 

Here are the pros and cons:

Energy EfficiencyLimited Cooling Capacity
Eco-friendlyIncreased Humidity
PortabilityLimited Cooling Range
Low Installation and Maintenance CostsWater Management

In contrast to aircons, air coolers present a simpler and more eco-friendly cooling solution. These devices harness the natural process of evaporation to cool the air. Offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional aircon units.

Air coolers are perfect for Singapore, where humidity levels fluctuate. They also consume less energy and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with eco-conscious living. They are also portable – making them easy to move around to provide cooling relief wherever it’s needed. 

However, air coolers do have their limitations. Their cooling range is restricted, making them less effective in larger or poorly insulated spaces. Additionally, proper water management is essential to prevent issues like mold growth and mineral buildup in the water canal.

Final Thoughts

When deciding between an aircon and an air cooler, consider factors such as your budget, cooling needs, and environmental preferences. If you prioritize fast and efficient cooling, precise temperature control, and air filtration, an aircon may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a cost-effective, eco-friendly cooling solution with portability and easy maintenance, an air cooler may be more suitable.

Both aircons and air coolers offer effective ways to beat the heat and create a comfortable indoor environment. By weighing the pros and cons of each cooling solution and considering your specific needs and preferences, you can choose the option that best suits your lifestyle and budget. Whether you pick the former or the latter, staying cool and comfortable during Singapore’s sweltering heat is within reach!

PRISM+ Vs LG — Which Aircon Is Better For You

Aircon servicing for cool air

We have entered the age of smart technology, and with that, aircons have also undergone a revolutionary change. Today, aircons are integrated with advanced features and connectivity options to enhance convenience and energy saving. 

Two prominent players in the smart aircon market are PRISM+ and LG, each offering innovative solutions tailored to meet the demands of modern consumers. Without further adieu, let’s find out how they stack up against each other. 

PRISM+ Zero and smartphone app
Photo Credits: PRISM+

PRISM+ Smart Aircon

PRISM+ is a local brand that has made waves in the Singapore smart aircon market with its range of contemporary products. But what sets them apart from LG? 

Smart Connectivity:

PRISM+ aircons boast seamless connectivity with smart home systems. This allows users to control their cooling settings remotely via smartphones or voice commands. With the PRISM+ app, users can also adjust temperature settings, schedule cooling cycles, and monitor energy consumption with ease. 

Energy Efficiency:

In this day and age, we’re all about eco-friendly options. What better way to save the environment than to opt for energy-saving features? PRISM+ aircons are equipped with adaptive cooling technology and intelligent temperature sensors. This, in turn, lessens electricity bills and contributes to sustainability efforts.

Customizable Settings:

With PRISM+, you can customize cooling settings to suit your individual and lifestyle needs. Whether you prefer a cool breeze during the day or gentle airflow during the night, PRISM+ has got your back with their intuitive controls. Allowing you to personalize your experience for maximum comfort. 

Support Local:

As a local brand, PRISM+ prides itself on providing prompt and reliable support to customers. They also provide affordable products that wouldn’t break the bank. That’s not all, their dedicated service network and knowledgeable technicians, ensure that you receive timely assistance and maintenance for their systems. Pretty amazing for a local brand, huh?

LG Multi Split Inverter Aircon
Photo Credits: LG

LG Smart Aircon

LG is a global leader in consumer electronics and is still a household name among many. They are also known for their innovative products and cutting-edge technology. So how do their smart aircons compare to PRISM+?

Advanced AI Technology:

These giants are no strangers to the digital world. Hence, LG’s smart aircons feature advanced AI technology that learns your preferences and adapts cooling settings accordingly. With AI ThinQ, LG’s own technology, LG products provide seamless integrations, analyse usage patterns, monitor indoor conditions, and optimise energy conservation. 

Voice Control:

The future is now. LG’s aircons support voice control functions, allowing you to adjust settings, set timers, and check energy usage using voice commands via virtual assistants such as Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa. This hands-free convenience enhances user experience and accessibility. 

Smart Diagnosis:

With everything “smart” it needs to be followed with a report. As such, LG has equipped their aircons with a smart diagnosis technology which enables remote troubleshooting and diagnostics via the LG ThinQ app. This makes it easier for you to identify and resolve potential issues quickly – reducing downtime and ensuring optimal performance. 

Global Brand Reputation:

A good reputation is hard to come by but LG’s global brand presence precedes it. Their extensive service in the consumer electronics market also ensures that LG offers reliable products backed by comprehensive warranty and support services. 

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right aircon is no easy feat. What more a smart aircon? Both, PRISM+ and LG come in as strong contenders. They offer innovative features, smart connectivity, intelligent design, and energy-saving capabilities, tailored to enhance your overall experience and convenience. 

Ultimately, the decision boils down to your individual priorities and considerations. Once you are done evaluating your needs, explore the features and functionalities of each brand before making an informed decision to enjoy the benefits of smart cooling technology in your home or office. 

It doesn’t hurt to factor in the economic factors in your decision-making process too!

Top 10 Expert Tips To Hire The Best Part-Time Cleaner

legal part time maids

Maintaining a clean and tidy home is essential for creating a comfortable and healthy living environment. However, in fast-paced Singapore, juggling work, family, and other commitments can make it incredibly challenging to keep up with household chores. Hiring a part-time cleaner can be a convenient solution without adding extra stress to your busy schedule. So, if you don’t know where to start to hire a part-time cleaner, this comprehensive guide is for you! 

1. Define Your Cleaning Needs

Before you start searching for a part-time cleaner, you’ve to take some time to assess your cleaning needs. First, you’ve to identify the specific areas of your home that require cleaning and determine the frequency of cleaning sessions. Then you need to factor in the kind of services you need – basic cleaning, deep cleaning, or specialised cleaning services. Once that’s done, you will be able to narrow down your search and find the perfect cleaner. 

2. Ask for Recommendation

Like the best deals for food, retail shopping, and discounts – one of the best ways to find a reliable part-time cleaner is through word-of-mouth recommendations. Always ask your friends, family members, or neighbours who have hired part-time cleaners for their suggestions. From there, you can suss out the quality of service, reliability, and professionalism of the cleaner. 

3. Check Online Reviews

Adding on to personal recommendations, you should check online reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Websites, social media platforms, and online forums are important sources of information. Where you can read about other people’s experiences with different part-time cleaners. Like good restaurants, look for positive reviews, high ratings, and a track record of customer satisfaction.

4. Verify Credentials and Background

It’s essential to verify their credentials and background to ensure reliability and trustworthiness. Ask for proof of identification, work permits, and any relevant certifications or training. Conduct a background check to verify the part-time cleaner’s employment history, criminal record, and references. 

5. Clarify Terms and Expectations

This is the most crucial component of hiring someone – clarifying the terms of the agreement and setting clear expectations of what is required. Communication is key so you have to properly go through the scope of work, cleaning schedule, rates, and payment terms. Be sure to discuss any specific cleaning preferences or instructions beforehand to make sure the cleaner understands your expectations and can deliver the desired results. 

Cleaner in dining room cleaning table

6. Evaluate Communication and Professionalism

Like the above, communication is important. Hence, you must pay attention to how the cleaner communicates with you during the hiring process. Key things to look for: professionalism, responsiveness, and willingness to address your questions and concerns. Essentially, this will establish a positive working relationship and ensure that your cleaning needs are met. 

7. Observe Work Quality and Reliability

Upon hiring a part-time cleaner, you must make it a point to observe their work quality and reliability during the initial cleaning sessions. Pay attention to details like thoroughness and punctuality. A reliable cleaner will consistently deliver high-quality cleaning results with ease. 

8. Provide Feedback and Maintain Open Communication

Regularly communicate with your part-time cleaner to provide feedback on their performance and address any issues or concerns that may arise. Encourage open communication for the satisfaction of both parties, especially towards cleaning arrangements. By maintaining a positive and transparent relationship, you can foster mutual trust and collaboration for long-term cleaning success. 

9. Consider Hiring from Reputable Cleaning Services

No time to do it all yourself? Opt for a hassle-free approach to hiring a part-time cleaner, and approach a reputable cleaning service in Singapore instead. Professional cleaning companies carefully vet their cleaners, provide training and support, and offer reliable cleaning services tailored to meet your needs. By choosing a reputable cleaning service, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is in good hands. 

10. Review and Renew Cleaning Arrangement

Periodically review your cleaning arrangement to assess whether it continues to meet your needs and expectations. Check the cleaner’s performance, responsiveness, and reliability, and make adjustments as needed. As such, whether you continue with the same cleaner or explore other options, regular review and renewal ensures that your home remains clean and up to your standards. 

Final Thoughts 

Hiring a reliable part-time cleaner is a valuable investment in maintaining the cleanliness of your home or office environment. By following these tips and guidelines, you will be able to find a trustworthy cleaner who meets your cleaning needs, delivers high-quality services, and lessens your stress. Hence, choosing to hire independently or through a professional cleaning service won’t make much of a difference as long as you follow the steps above! 

Aircon Vs Dehumidifier—Which Is Better For You In Singapore?

aircon cooling the living room

In hot and humid climates like Singapore, maintaining indoor comfort is essential for a healthy living environment. Aircons and dehumidifiers are two common appliances used to regulate indoor temperature and humidity levels. Although they both serve similar purposes, they differ in their functions, mechanisms, and benefits. Read on to learn more about their respective roles. 

cool air from aircon


Aircons are appliances designed to cool indoor spaces by removing heat and humidity from the air. They operate by circulating refrigerant through a series of coils, which absorb heat from the indoor air and release it outside. Providing us with a cooler indoor environment. Aircons also dehumidify the air as part of the cooling process, reducing humidity levels to enhance comfort and prevent moisture-related issues. 

Key Features and Benefits of Aircon

Four primary key features and benefits of aircons include cooling, dehumidification, temperature control, and air filtration. 

We all know the key function of aircons is to cool indoor spaces, making them perfect for combating Singapore’s heat. Aircons also provide instant relief from the heat by lowering the temperatures of your body and living space to a comfortable level. 

Aircons also add to cooling by dehumidifying the air by removing excess moisture, and reducing humidity levels to prevent mould, mildew, and condensation buildup. 

The all-rounder aircon also offers precise temperature control. This allows users to set their desired temperature for proper comfort. They are equipped with thermostats and adjustable settings to maintain consistent cooling throughout the day. 

Lastly, many modern air conditioners are equipped with air filters that help remove dust, allergens, and pollutants from the air. This, in turn, improves indoor air quality and creates a healthier living environment. 

Dehumidifier in a living room


Dehumidifiers are appliances designed specifically to reduce humidity levels in indoor spaces by extracting excess moisture from the air. Unlike air conditioners, dehumidifiers do not cool the air but focus solely on – you guessed it – dehumidification. They operate by drawing humid air into the unit, where it passes over cooling coils that condense moisture, which is then collected and drained or emptied from the appliance.

Key Features and Benefits of Dehumidifier

Four primary key features and benefits of dehumidifier include humidity control, mould and mildew prevention, allergy and asthma relief, and energy saving. 

First up, is humidity control. Dehumidifiers are mainly known to control humidity levels in indoor spaces, making them ideal for areas prone to high humidity, like toilets and the service yard. Using a dehumidifier will help with the prevention of mould, mildew, and musty odours.

Moving on to mould and mildew, dehumidifiers are perfect to create a less hospitable environment for them. All you have to do is regularly use it to balance out the humidity level, and protect your home and belongings from moisture-related damage. 

It is recommended by experts to use a dehumidifier to combat allergies and asthma. How it works is that dehumidifiers reduce humidity and airborne allergens, providing relief to those who suffer from either. Lower humidity levels also make it difficult for the growth of mould, dust mites, and other allergens that can trigger any sort of respiratory symptoms. 

Last but not least, dehumidifiers are more cost-efficient than aircons. They consume less electricity to operate, and are incredibly effective for controlling humidity (without the need for cooling). 

Final Thoughts 

Understanding the difference between aircons and dehumidifiers is essential for choosing the right appliance to meet your indoor comfort needs. While both of them help regulate indoor comfort and improve air quality, they differ in their primary functions and mechanisms. 

Aircons cool the air and dehumidify it in the process while dehumidifiers focus solely on reducing humidity levels without cooling the air. Ultimately, it all boils down to your specific needs and environmental conditions, so it’s always best to lay out the pros and cons of a product before getting one of the two. 

The best choice is to have a combination of both to achieve extreme comfort indoors while controlling the humidity levels for a healthy home for you and your loved ones.

DIY vs Professional Kitchen Cleaning: Which Is Right for You?

Professional cleaner wiping down a kitchen top

Whether you use your kitchen regularly or not, a clean and hygienic kitchen is essential for maintaining a healthy home environment. But, we all know how tiring kitchen cleaning can be. This leaves many homeowners to ponder on whether to tackle the job themselves or hire professional cleaners to do the deed. That’s where we come in with this in-depth article comparing the advantages and considerations of DIY kitchen cleaning vs hiring professional cleaning services in Singapore. 

DIY Kitchen Cleaning 

  1. Affordable 

One of the main reasons to do it yourself is that it costs nothing. By doing the cleaning tasks yourself, you avoid the expense of hiring outside help and have spare change to spend elsewhere. 

  1. Control Over Cleaning Products

Doing it yourself gives you the liberty to choose and use your preferred cleaning products and cleaning style specially tailored to your kitchen’s specific needs. An added bonus is that you can save the environment by opting for natural, eco-friendly cleaning solutions or commercial products depending on your personal cleaning goals

  1. Flexibility and Convenience 

If you opt to DIY, you can do it any time, and at your own speed and convenience. Or even do it bit by bit over a few days. 

  1. Personal Satisfaction

Nothing screams a job well done like completing something on your own. It’s especially rewarding when it comes to your own home. It’s that sense of pride homeowners get for being a beast – akin to winning in life. 

Professional Kitchen Cleaning

  1. Time-Saving 

One of the significant benefits of hiring professional kitchen cleaning services is the time it saves you. Freeing up your time for other priorities. 

  1. Deep Cleaning Experts

We are not experts. We are definitely far from that. But if you have the extra cash to spare, hiring professional cleaners makes sense. They are trained to perform deep cleaning tasks that may be challenging or time-consuming for you to do on your own. And they know what to do and how to do it, professionally. 

  1. Consistency 

Professional cleaning services in Singapore and everywhere else not only lighten to load off homeowners but also provide consistent and reliable results. This ensures that your kitchen is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised each time. Hence, you can expect a high standard of cleanliness that enhances the overall hygiene and appearance of your kitchen. 

  1. Specialised Equipment and Techniques 

You already know professional cleaners come along with a set of specialised equipment, tools, and techniques that allow them to achieve superior results. From steam cleaners to commercial-grade disinfectants, these heroes use advanced methods to effectively clean and wipe down your kitchen surfaces with ease. 

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, when deciding between DIY kitchen cleaning and professional cleaning services, you have to consider factors like budget, time availability, cleaning preferences, and the level of cleanliness desired. DIY cleaning may be suitable for routine maintenance and budget-conscious homeowners who enjoy hands-on cleaning tasks. Some may even find it therapeutic. However, not many like to get down and dirty, so getting professional kitchen cleaning services offers convenience and peace of mind. Anything to get out of doing chores after a long work week, right?

What Is The Best Aircon Mode To Use In Singapore

woman adjusting the temperature of an aircon in living room

Sunny Singapore is synonymous with unforgiving heat hence, aircon is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining indoor comfort. However, with the myriad of aircon modes available, choosing the right one can be confusing. From cooling efficiency to energy conservation, each mode offers unique benefits. 

Do you know what each mode is all about and which one you should use in Singapore? Let’s find out! 

A woman standing in front of an aircon blowing out air
Portrait Of Smiling Young Woman Holding Remote Controller Of Air Conditioner At Home

Cool Mode

As the name suggests, Cool Mode is designed to cool the room by lowering the temperature to your desired level. This is perfect for beating the heat and humidity of Singapore’s climate – providing instant relief from the sweltering weather. Cool Mode operates by continuously running the compressor to maintain the set temperature, ensuring consistent cooling throughout the day. 

Dry Mode

Singapore’s humidity levels can often make the air feel sticky and uncomfortable. Especially with the arrival of El Niño. Thus, Dry Mode helps reduce this issue by removing excess moisture from the air, making it feel cooler and more comfortable. It operates by running the aircon compressor at a reduced capacity to dehumidify the air without significantly lowering the temperature. Dry Mode is also useful during the rainy season when humidity levels are high. 

Fan Mode

As the name suggests, like a fan, Fan Mode circulates air without cooling or dehumidifying it. This makes for a less costly option for the mild weather conditions or when you just need a gentle breeze. Plus, it’s energy-efficient and can help you save on electricity bills as compared to Cool or Dry Mode. Fan Mode is also perfect for circulating air alongside natural ventilation, like opening windows or doors, to promote air circulation and freshen indoor air. 

Auto Mode

The most convenient mode of them all – the Auto Mode – adjusts the aircon settings based on the room’s ambient temperature. How it works is that the aircon’s thermostat senses the room temperature and automatically switches between cooling and fan modes to maintain the set temperature. Auto mode also optimizes energy saving by reducing power consumption when the desired temperature is reached – making it an eco-friendly option for everyday use. 

Eco Mode

Designed to prioritise energy saving while still providing ample cooling, Eco Mode ensures the aircon’s settings use minimal power consumption by gradually increasing the temperature or limiting the compressor’s runtime. It is also ideal for environmentally-conscious users who want to reduce their carbon footprint and save on electricity costs without sacrificing comfort.

aircon running 24hrs a day

Choosing the Right Aircon Mode

So, let’s get down to it. When deciding on the best aircon mode to use in Singapore, one must consider factors like weather conditions, indoor humidity levels, energy saving, and personal preferences. 

For hot and humid weather, we’d recommend putting your aircon on Cool Mode or Dry Mode. However, during milder weather or for nighttime, Fan Mode or Eco Mode will be your best choices as they can provide gentle airflow while saving energy. 

Additionally, regular aircon servicing by reputable professionals is essential for maintaining better performance and efficiency. Scheduled aircon servicing helps prolong the lifespan of your aircon, improves indoor air quality, and ensures reliable cooling performance, especially during Singapore’s fluctuating climate. 

Final Thoughts

Whether you opt for Cool Mode to combat the heat, Dry Mode to reduce humidity, or Eco Mode to save energy, you must always remember to service your aircon. With the right aircon mode and regular upkeep, you can enjoy cool comfort and save money while at it – even amidst Singapore’s tropical climate!