5 Secrets To Know Before You Pick Up Kickboxing

If you are finding for something that’s exhilarating and effective to improve your fitness, lose weight, and boost your overall physical health, why not pick up kickboxing? However, like most sports, here are five essential secrets to know before you start on your kickboxing journey.

1. Understanding the Basics

Before stepping into a kickboxing class, it’s crucial to understand the basics of the sport. Kickboxing combines elements of karate, Muay Thai, and traditional boxing – focusing on both striking and defensive techniques. Familiarize yourself with basic stances like punches (jab, cross, hook, uppercut), and kicks (roundhouse, front kick, side kick). This foundational knowledge will give you confidence and ensure you’re prepared to keep up with the class.

kickboxing equipment

2. The Importance of Proper Gear

Investing in the right gear is essential for both safety and performance in kickboxing. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Gloves: Choose gloves that fit well and offer adequate protection for your hands and wrists.
  • Hand Wraps: These provide extra support and help prevent injuries.
  • Mouthguard: Essential for protecting your teeth and jaw.
  • Shin Guards: Important for protecting your shins during sparring sessions.
  • Comfortable Attire: Wear moisture-wicking and flexible clothing that allows for a full range of motion. Having the proper gear will not only keep you safe but also enhance your overall experience and performance in the sport.

3. Building Endurance and Strength

Kickboxing is a physically demanding sport that requires both cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. Incorporate regular cardio workouts such as running, cycling, or swimming into your routine to build stamina. Strength training exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and core workouts are also essential. Building your endurance and strength will help you keep up with the intensity of kickboxing classes and improve your overall performance.

4. Finding the Right Trainer

A knowledgeable and experienced trainer can make a significant difference in your kickboxing journey. Look for a trainer who:

  • Has relevant certifications and experience in kickboxing.
  • Can provide personalized attention and feedback.
  • Encourages proper technique and form to prevent injuries.
  • Creates a supportive and motivating environment. In Singapore, there are numerous reputable kickboxing gyms and trainers to choose from. Do some research and read reviews to find a trainer that aligns with your goals and preferences.

5. The Mental Aspect

Not just about physical prowess, kickboxing also involves a strong mental game. Hence, it’s important to work on mindfulness and self-discipline. This will in turn benefit you as kickboxing is an excellent stress reliever and is a great confidence booster.

Final Thoughts

Like many who’ll agree, kickboxing is an incredible way to get fit, lose weight, and boost your overall well-being. Especially if you’re someone who hates the mundane routine of going to the gym and working out on your own. By doing the points above, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the many benefits of this dynamic sport. So, whether you’re looking to train abroad or in Singapore, these secrets will definitely set you on the path to success!